Friday, 10 December 2010


To indent or not to indent...

I have kept the golden section highlighted here to show how the indentation affects the area the eye will be looking at. In the most basic terms, the further away from the red, the longer the pause will be. This is my theory anyway, i'm fairly sure that is a sound simplification.

I also tried out starting the paragraph before the golden section started. It should not be taken as gospel, but it certainly isn't to be taken lightly, especially when the aim is to create maximal readability and flow over the spread.

As you can see here, this 'hanging indent' is far too extreme for a boook like this. It simply is far to brash and insists on itself way too much. I could use some terminology here to explain why it isn't working, but to be honest you can see for yourself, it just isn't.

These slight line breaks are pretty smart It think, they don't really take any time to skip over from the previous paragraph, but it is noticeably there as a break. Good for when there are large amounts of copy to fit in. However this book only has a word count of 6200, so simply to fill up more space a larger line break may be suitable.

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