Wednesday 12 May 2010

Crit Feedback and New Direction

The crit today was very long, very good and very blunt. I knew the work I had done was fine, but I also knew the amount to different design directions was not. This was clarified in the crit. Also there seems to be a unanimous decision that my logo is not legible enough, nor is it clear enough.

Here's what they had to say...

My personal notes in response to this are:

  • Pin ups on walls, photographed, and elements picked out that work across range.
  • I think I will take what I have now, retouch the logo. Have decided to redesign at least 3 more logos.
  • Reconsider the layout of the logo across the range. Letterhead, logo aligned.
  • More experimentation with the letterpress.
  • Colour stock. Instead of 2 col.
  • Reconsider logo. Rapid development of ideas. Sketches.
  • Reconsider colour. Looks again at context blog.
  • Swiss type design, complex, or simple. Clarity is the most important.
  • What would Graham say? Less decorative.
  • Typography annual. (Book)

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