Sunday, 18 October 2009

Baggy Clothes Presentation

Try to see past the retro/hippie graphics please.

At the start of research I was thinking on a very basic level.
Why might baggy clothes be good?
They are comfy and relaxing, they are warm... and other such things.
My simple closed question questionnaire backed up what I had thought.

I wanted to explore the fashions of the ages to see if baggy clothes had ever made a large impact anywhere. After the 60s and the Woodstock era there was a huge trend to wear baggy clothes. This progressed through into the 70s where fashion because much more liberal and outgoing. And it even seemed to bring a generation together. As in the fashion was widely accepted through the classes and races. I thought this was quite interesting that baggy clothes had some impact on the state of society for the better.

After that I thought about baggy clothes in modern fashion, but that seemed to detract away from the point of baggy clothes being comfortable and relaxing. So instead I thought about the waste of material in fashion. Then also about the contrast to fashion, ie, eco-clothes, clothes that are made to last and also the kind of people who wear them.
This led to research into companies who use only environmentally friendly materials and fair trade.

However after reviewing and criting my ideas; it seemed that the most basic concept was the best and most clear. And also that I should focus on trousers specifically as that was a more focused and coherent idea.

Baggy trousers are good because they are comfy/relaxing/liberating.

But then I remembered what I had thought about to do with rock climbing, so I really wanted a way to link the two together.

That is what i am working on now.

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