Thursday 14 October 2010

Swiss Approach

It is the beginning of designing and it has been a long time coming. I did the typical rookie error of waiting and waiting for something to happen, clarifying ideas in written form for over a week and half. What is that all about!?

I was in a bit of a rutt so I just stared designing something, not really working towards the final resolution, but literally just making something happen, by picking a visual style that I admire (in this case the Swiss style) and just do it in a day. I have been reading a lot of about modernism recently because of my dissertation topic and have seen a lot of work that appeals to me.

So this is my first days work, I actually really like these posters however unrelated they are to Leeds Bike Week, of corse I won't be using it or moving forward with it, but it has been useful to get myself moving. Tomorrow I will be trying something new, perhaps something hand drawn, and more relevant.

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