Thursday 14 October 2010

Hand Drawn

Today was hand drawn day! Hang on, my god! Is this a pencil in my hand?? Am I actually drawing something??
It has been a while...

I grabbed some images off Google Street View to work from. I aimed to get 3 posters designed to match yesterdays efforts, but I fell 2 short.. It appears I under estimated how long these drawings take.

I was going for a homely feel, something that the people of Leeds can relate to and even recognise the very streets in the posters perhaps. It went really well, the hand drawn style always lends itself well to urban landscapes, and with a good dose of Futura the indie aesthetic is achieved, especially when some high contrast serif typeface is introduced.

The stock is an antique white paper which is nice addition to the libraries cache of papers. It has a slightly rough texture which makes the ink from the cheap printers not quite stick in places. This almost looks like a screen print. I am not sure what it is about this style, there is something about it telling me not to run with it. Maybe it is just because the hand drawn images will just take too long to achieve and I do not have enough faith in my drawing skills to pull it off.

But I will keep an open mind, maybe.

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