Thursday, 14 October 2010

Light Box Shapes

I was really pleased with how this idea turned out. The geometric shapes combined with bold colour or reversed out onto black make for a very eye catching design.

I created it by cutting out stencils of photographs I had taken, re-arranging them on the light box, then photographic them from obscure angles to create an abstract feel. I am not sure all of the photographs of the bikes wil lbe as successful as this example, but the visual style is certainly something to keep on considering.

Traced Elements of Bikes

Raw Scanned Files

The Scanned in hand drawn posters have a tactile aesthetic that lends itself well to the aesthetic I was aiming to produce. However while they are suitable in style, they lack depth and imagination. This isn't really a problem as it does fulfil the desires of the brief.

When I added the CAD type into the posters it really came alive, the dull stock complemented the vivid orange type and made for a really powerful effect. However this is not the end, I will push on to find another solution!

Working from Photoraphy

I hate these...


Hand Drawn

Today was hand drawn day! Hang on, my god! Is this a pencil in my hand?? Am I actually drawing something??
It has been a while...

I grabbed some images off Google Street View to work from. I aimed to get 3 posters designed to match yesterdays efforts, but I fell 2 short.. It appears I under estimated how long these drawings take.

I was going for a homely feel, something that the people of Leeds can relate to and even recognise the very streets in the posters perhaps. It went really well, the hand drawn style always lends itself well to urban landscapes, and with a good dose of Futura the indie aesthetic is achieved, especially when some high contrast serif typeface is introduced.

The stock is an antique white paper which is nice addition to the libraries cache of papers. It has a slightly rough texture which makes the ink from the cheap printers not quite stick in places. This almost looks like a screen print. I am not sure what it is about this style, there is something about it telling me not to run with it. Maybe it is just because the hand drawn images will just take too long to achieve and I do not have enough faith in my drawing skills to pull it off.

But I will keep an open mind, maybe.

Swiss Approach

It is the beginning of designing and it has been a long time coming. I did the typical rookie error of waiting and waiting for something to happen, clarifying ideas in written form for over a week and half. What is that all about!?

I was in a bit of a rutt so I just stared designing something, not really working towards the final resolution, but literally just making something happen, by picking a visual style that I admire (in this case the Swiss style) and just do it in a day. I have been reading a lot of about modernism recently because of my dissertation topic and have seen a lot of work that appeals to me.

So this is my first days work, I actually really like these posters however unrelated they are to Leeds Bike Week, of corse I won't be using it or moving forward with it, but it has been useful to get myself moving. Tomorrow I will be trying something new, perhaps something hand drawn, and more relevant.