Thursday 21 January 2010

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Questions brought to crit

  • Do the blending options on the Clint Eastwood and Lee Van Cleef frames work better than the Eli Wallach frame?
The feedback said that the Eli Wallach frame was better. The blending option style was too cluttered and busy and would be complicated to animate. Also based on what I had told them about the Leone films the simpler style was more suitable.
  • Do the transitions seem to be working?
Yes they make sense. They will be simple enough to animate as a sequence of separate JPEGs.

  • The verity of typefaces in one composition is a style taken from Sergio Leone's style, does it work here in context with my audience?
It would have been useful to have been able to show them an example of type used in the title sequence of the film, but there was now enough time and the aim of the crit was to cover more than one point. But on a aesthetic level, yes it does work, again going on what I have told them.

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