Tuesday 2 February 2010

Questions Brought to Crit

  1. From the client’s point of view, (them being Film Four) do you think they would not appreciate me leaving the Film Four logo out?

  1. Do these idents work as a sequence; bearing in mind I have created them with a different colours and a few typefaces to pay homage to the Westerns?

  1. How well, if at all, does the music working in each of the idents?

  1. The ‘Once Upon a Time in the West’ ident has been the most troublesome. Is this simplified version more impacting?

(black lines, overlay texture, frame sequence).

  1. For the final Two idents, would another hand made aesthetic be a good idea; such as the ‘For a Few Dollars More’ ident. With the other being similar to ‘A Fistful of Dollars?

1 comment:

  1. In summary this is a strong project for you so far Ed, your tone of voice is correct for the selected audience, your blog shows a good amount of experimentation within After Effects.

    1. I think if its an ident for film 4 it will already be shown on film 4, so i dont think its really an issue.

    2. I feel they are all a sequence as they all show classic western imagery/ type and what not.

    3. The music works really well with the hand craft video of the torn pages.

    4. I kind of like both, it feels as though there is too much going on in the first and not enough in the latter, find a common middle ground between them?

    5. Hand made deff
